Source code for interactions.api.models.message

import contextlib
from datetime import datetime
from enum import IntEnum
from io import BytesIO
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Union

from ...client.models.component import ActionRow, Button, SelectMenu
from ...utils.attrs_utils import (
from ...utils.missing import MISSING
from ..error import LibraryException
from .channel import Channel
from .emoji import Emoji
from .flags import MessageFlags
from .member import Member
from .misc import AllowedMentions, File, IDMixin, Snowflake
from .team import Application
from .user import User

    from ..http import HTTPClient

__all__ = (

[docs] @staticmethod def not_deletable() -> List[int]: """ .. versionadded:: 4.4.0 returns A list of message types which are not deletable """ return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21]
[docs]@define() class MessageActivity(DictSerializerMixin): """A class object representing the activity state of a message. .. note:: ``party_id`` is ambiguous -- Discord poorly documented this. :) We assume it's for game rich presence invites? i.e. : Phasmophobia and Call of Duty. :ivar str type: The message activity type. :ivar Optional[Snowflake] party_id: The party ID of the activity. """ type: int = field() party_id: Optional[Snowflake] = field(converter=Snowflake, default=None)
[docs]@define() class MessageReference(DictSerializerMixin): """ A class object representing the "referenced"/replied message. .. note:: All of the attributes in this class are optionals because a message can potentially never be referenced. :ivar Optional[Snowflake] message_id: The ID of the referenced message. :ivar Optional[Snowflake] channel_id: The channel ID of the referenced message. :ivar Optional[Snowflake] guild_id: The guild ID of the referenced message. :ivar Optional[bool] fail_if_not_exists: Whether the message reference exists. """ message_id: Optional[Snowflake] = field(converter=Snowflake, default=None) channel_id: Optional[Snowflake] = field(converter=Snowflake, default=None) guild_id: Optional[Snowflake] = field(converter=Snowflake, default=None) fail_if_not_exists: Optional[bool] = field(default=None)
[docs]@define() class Attachment(ClientSerializerMixin, IDMixin): """ A class object representing an attachment in a message. .. note:: ``height`` and ``width`` have values based off of ``content_type``, which requires it to be a media file with viewabiltity as a photo, animated photo, GIF and/or video. If ``ephemeral`` is given, the attachments will automatically be removed after a set period of time. In the case of regular messages, they're available as long as the message associated with the attachment exists. :ivar int id: The ID of the attachment. :ivar str filename: The name of the attachment file. :ivar Optional[str] description: The description of the file. :ivar Optional[str] content_type: The type of attachment file. :ivar int size: The size of the attachment file. :ivar str url: The CDN URL of the attachment file. :ivar str proxy_url: The proxied/cached CDN URL of the attachment file. :ivar Optional[int] height: The height of the attachment file. :ivar Optional[int] width: The width of the attachment file. :ivar Optional[bool] ephemeral: Whether the attachment is ephemeral. """ id: Snowflake = field(converter=Snowflake) filename: str = field() content_type: Optional[str] = field(default=None) size: int = field() url: str = field() proxy_url: str = field() height: Optional[int] = field(default=None) width: Optional[int] = field(default=None) ephemeral: Optional[bool] = field(default=None)
[docs] async def download(self) -> BytesIO: """ Downloads the attachment. :returns: The attachment's bytes as BytesIO object :rtype: BytesIO """ if not self._client: raise LibraryException(code=13) async with self._client._req._session.get(self.url) as response: _bytes: bytes = await return BytesIO(_bytes)
[docs]@define() class MessageInteraction(ClientSerializerMixin, IDMixin): """ A class object that resembles the interaction used to generate the associated message. :ivar Snowflake id: ID of the interaction. :ivar int type: Type of interaction. :ivar str name: Name of the application command. :ivar User user: The user who invoked the interaction. """ # TODO: document member attr. id: Snowflake = field(converter=Snowflake) type: int = field() # replace with Enum name: str = field() user: User = field(converter=User, add_client=True)
[docs]@define() class ChannelMention(DictSerializerMixin, IDMixin): """ A class object that resembles the mention of a channel in a guild. :ivar Snowflake id: The ID of the channel. :ivar Snowflake guild_id: The ID of the guild that contains the channel. :ivar int type: The channel type. :ivar str name: The name of the channel. """ id: Snowflake = field(converter=Snowflake) guild_id: Snowflake = field(converter=Snowflake) type: int = field() # Replace with enum from Channel Type, another PR name: str = field()
[docs]@define() class EmbedImageStruct(DictSerializerMixin): """ A class object representing the structure of an image in an embed. The structure of an embed image: .. code-block:: python interactions.EmbedImageStruct( url="", height=300, width=250, ) :ivar str url: Source URL of the object. :ivar Optional[str] proxy_url: Proxied url of the object. :ivar Optional[int] height: Height of the object. :ivar Optional[int] width: Width of the object. """ url: str = field() proxy_url: Optional[str] = field(default=None) height: Optional[int] = field(default=None) width: Optional[int] = field(default=None)
[docs]@define() class EmbedProvider(DictSerializerMixin): """ A class object representing the provider of an embed. :ivar Optional[str] name: Name of provider :ivar Optional[str] url: URL of provider """ name: Optional[str] = field(default=None) url: Optional[str] = field(default=None)
[docs]@define() class EmbedAuthor(DictSerializerMixin): """ A class object representing the author of an embed. The structure of an embed author: .. code-block:: python interactions.EmbedAuthor( name="fl0w#0001", ) :ivar str name: Name of author :ivar Optional[str] url: URL of author :ivar Optional[str] icon_url: URL of author icon :ivar Optional[str] proxy_icon_url: Proxied URL of author icon """ name: str = field() url: Optional[str] = field(default=None) icon_url: Optional[str] = field(default=None) proxy_icon_url: Optional[str] = field(default=None)
[docs]@define() class EmbedFooter(DictSerializerMixin): """ A class object representing the footer of an embed. The structure of an embed footer: .. code-block:: python interactions.EmbedFooter( text="yo mama so short, she can fit in here", ) :ivar str text: Footer text :ivar Optional[str] icon_url: URL of footer icon :ivar Optional[str] proxy_icon_url: Proxied URL of footer icon """ text: str = field() icon_url: Optional[str] = field(default=None) proxy_icon_url: Optional[str] = field(default=None)
[docs]@define() class EmbedField(DictSerializerMixin): """ A class object representing the field of an embed. The structure of an embed field: .. code-block:: python interactions.EmbedField( name="field title", value="blah blah blah", inline=False, ) :ivar str name: Name of the field. :ivar str value: Value of the field :ivar Optional[bool] inline: A status denoting if the field should be displayed inline. """ name: str = field() inline: Optional[bool] = field(default=None) value: str = field()
[docs]@define() @deepcopy_kwargs() class Embed(DictSerializerMixin): """ A class object representing an embed. .. note:: The example provided below is for a very basic implementation of an embed. Embeds are more unique than what is being shown. The structure for an embed: .. code-block:: python interactions.Embed( title="Embed title", fields=[interactions.EmbedField(...)], ) :ivar Optional[str] title: Title of embed :ivar Optional[str] type: Embed type, relevant by CDN file connected. This is only important to rendering. :ivar Optional[str] description: Embed description :ivar Optional[str] url: URL of embed :ivar Optional[datetime] timestamp: Timestamp of embed content :ivar Optional[int] color: Color code of embed :ivar Optional[EmbedFooter] footer: Footer information :ivar Optional[EmbedImageStruct] image: Image information :ivar Optional[EmbedImageStruct] thumbnail: Thumbnail information :ivar Optional[EmbedImageStruct] video: Video information :ivar Optional[EmbedProvider] provider: Provider information :ivar Optional[EmbedAuthor] author: Author information :ivar Optional[List[EmbedField]] fields: A list of fields denoting field information """ title: Optional[str] = field(default=None) type: Optional[str] = field(default=None) description: Optional[str] = field(default=None) url: Optional[str] = field(default=None) timestamp: Optional[datetime] = field( converter=convert_type(datetime, classmethod="fromisoformat"), default=None ) color: Optional[int] = field(default=None) footer: Optional[EmbedFooter] = field(converter=EmbedFooter, default=None) image: Optional[EmbedImageStruct] = field(converter=EmbedImageStruct, default=None) thumbnail: Optional[EmbedImageStruct] = field(converter=EmbedImageStruct, default=None) video: Optional[EmbedImageStruct] = field(converter=EmbedImageStruct, default=None) provider: Optional[EmbedProvider] = field(converter=EmbedProvider, default=None) author: Optional[EmbedAuthor] = field(converter=EmbedAuthor, default=None) fields: Optional[List[EmbedField]] = field(converter=convert_list(EmbedField), default=None)
[docs] def add_field(self, name: str, value: str, inline: Optional[bool] = False) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 Adds a field to the embed :param str name: The name of the field :param str value: The value of the field :param Optional[bool] inline: if the field is in the same line as the previous one """ if self.fields is None: self.fields = [] self.fields.append(EmbedField(name=name, value=value, inline=inline))
[docs] def clear_fields(self) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 Clears all the fields of the embed """ self.fields = []
[docs] def insert_field_at( self, index: int, name: str, value: str, inline: Optional[bool] = False ) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 Inserts a field in the embed at the specified index :param int index: The field's index to insert :param str name: The name of the field :param str value: The value of the field :param Optional[bool] inline: if the field is in the same line as the previous one """ if self.fields is None: self.fields = [] self.fields.insert(index, EmbedField(name=name, value=value, inline=inline))
[docs] def set_field_at( self, index: int, name: str, value: str, inline: Optional[bool] = False ) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 Overwrites the field in the embed at the specified index :param int index: The field's index to overwrite :param str name: The name of the field :param str value: The value of the field :param Optional[bool] inline: if the field is in the same line as the previous one """ if self.fields is None: self.fields = [] try: self.fields[index] = EmbedField(name=name, value=value, inline=inline) except IndexError as e: raise IndexError("No fields at this index") from e
[docs] def remove_field(self, index: int) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 Remove field at the specified index :param int index: The field's index to remove """ if self.fields is None: self.fields = [] try: self.fields.pop(index) except IndexError as e: raise IndexError("Field not Found at index") from e
[docs] def remove_author(self) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 Removes the embed's author """ with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): del
[docs] def set_author( self, name: str, url: Optional[str] = None, icon_url: Optional[str] = None, proxy_icon_url: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 Sets the embed's author :param str name: The name of the author :param Optional[str] url: Url of author :param Optional[str] icon_url: Url of author icon (only supports http(s) and attachments) :param Optional[str] proxy_icon_url: A proxied url of author icon """ = EmbedAuthor( name=name, url=url, icon_url=icon_url, proxy_icon_url=proxy_icon_url )
[docs] def set_image( self, url: str, proxy_url: Optional[str] = None, height: Optional[int] = None, width: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 Sets the embed's image :param str url: Url of the image :param Optional[str] proxy_url: A proxied url of the image :param Optional[int] height: The image's height :param Optional[int] width: The image's width """ self.image = EmbedImageStruct(url=url, proxy_url=proxy_url, height=height, width=width)
[docs] def set_video( self, url: str, proxy_url: Optional[str] = None, height: Optional[int] = None, width: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 Sets the embed's video :param str url: Url of the video :param Optional[str] proxy_url: A proxied url of the video :param Optional[int] height: The video's height :param Optional[int] width: The video's width """ = EmbedImageStruct(url=url, proxy_url=proxy_url, height=height, width=width)
[docs] def set_thumbnail( self, url: str, proxy_url: Optional[str] = None, height: Optional[int] = None, width: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 Sets the embed's thumbnail :param str url: Url of the thumbnail :param Optional[str] proxy_url: A proxied url of the thumbnail :param Optional[int] height: The thumbnail's height :param Optional[int] width: The thumbnail's width """ self.thumbnail = EmbedImageStruct(url=url, proxy_url=proxy_url, height=height, width=width)
[docs]@define() class PartialSticker(DictSerializerMixin, IDMixin): """ Partial object for a Sticker. :ivar Snowflake id: ID of the sticker :ivar str name: Name of the sticker :ivar int format_type: Type of sticker format """ id: Snowflake = field(converter=Snowflake) name: str = field() format_type: int = field() @property def created_at(self) -> datetime: """ .. versionadded:: 4.4.0 Returns when the sticker was created. """ return
[docs]@define() class Sticker(PartialSticker, IDMixin): """ A class object representing a full sticker apart from a partial. :ivar Snowflake id: ID of the sticker :ivar Optional[Snowflake] pack_id: ID of the pack the sticker is from. :ivar str name: Name of the sticker :ivar Optional[str] description: Description of the sticker :ivar str tags: Autocomplete/suggestion tags for the sticker (max 200 characters) :ivar str asset: Previously a sticker asset hash, now an empty string. :ivar int type: Type of sticker :ivar int format_type: Type of sticker format :ivar Optional[bool] available: Status denoting if this sticker can be used. (Can be false via server boosting) :ivar Optional[Snowflake] guild_id: Guild ID that owns the sticker. :ivar Optional[User] user: The user that uploaded the sticker. :ivar Optional[int] sort_value: The standard sticker's sort order within its pack """ id: Snowflake = field(converter=Snowflake) pack_id: Optional[Snowflake] = field(converter=Snowflake, default=None) name: str = field() description: Optional[str] = field(default=None) tags: str = field() asset: str = field() type: int = field() format_type: int = field() available: Optional[bool] = field(default=None) guild_id: Optional[Snowflake] = field(converter=Snowflake, default=None) user: Optional[User] = field(converter=User, default=None) sort_value: Optional[int] = field(default=None)
[docs]@define() class StickerPack(DictSerializerMixin, IDMixin): """ A class objects representing a pack of stickers. :ivar Snowflake id: ID of the sticker pack. :ivar List[Sticker] stickers: The stickers in the pack. :ivar str name: The name of sticker pack. :ivar Snowflake sku_id: ID of the pack's SKU. :ivar Optional[Snowflake] cover_sticker_id: ID of a sticker in the pack which is shown as the pack's icon. :ivar str description: The description of sticker pack. :ivar Optional[Snowflake] banned_asset_id: ID of the sticker pack's banner image. """ id: Snowflake = field(converter=Snowflake) stickers: List[Sticker] = field(converter=convert_list(Sticker)) name: str = field() sku_id: Snowflake = field(converter=Snowflake) cover_sticker_id: Optional[Snowflake] = field(converter=Snowflake, default=None) description: str = field() banned_asset_id: Optional[Snowflake] = field(converter=Snowflake, default=None) @property def created_at(self) -> datetime: """ .. versionadded:: 4.4.0 Returns when the sticker pack was created. """ return
[docs]@define() class ReactionObject(DictSerializerMixin): """The reaction object. :ivar int count: The amount of times this emoji has been used to react :ivar bool me: A status denoting if the current user reacted using this emoji :ivar Emoji emoji: Emoji information """ count: int = field() me: bool = field() emoji: Emoji = field(converter=Emoji)
[docs]@define() class Message(ClientSerializerMixin, IDMixin): """ A class object representing a message. :ivar Snowflake id: ID of the message. :ivar Snowflake channel_id: ID of the channel the message was sent in :ivar Optional[Snowflake] guild_id: ID of the guild the message was sent in, if it exists. :ivar User author: The author of the message. :ivar Optional[Member] member: The member object associated with the author, if any. :ivar str content: Message contents. :ivar datetime timestamp: Timestamp denoting when the message was sent. :ivar Optional[datetime] edited_timestamp: Timestamp denoting when the message was edited, if any. :ivar bool tts: Status dictating if this was a TTS message or not. :ivar bool mention_everyone: Status dictating of this message mentions everyone :ivar Optional[List[Union[Member, User]]] mentions: Array of user objects with an additional partial member field. :ivar Optional[List[str]] mention_roles: Array of roles mentioned in this message :ivar Optional[List[ChannelMention]] mention_channels: Channels mentioned in this message, if any. :ivar List[Attachment] attachments: An array of attachments :ivar List[Embed] embeds: An array of embeds :ivar Optional[List[ReactionObject]] reactions: Reactions to the message. :ivar Union[int, str] nonce: Used for message validation :ivar bool pinned: Whether this message is pinned. :ivar Optional[Snowflake] webhook_id: Webhook ID if the message is generated by a webhook. :ivar MessageType type: Type of message :ivar Optional[MessageActivity] activity: Message activity object that's sent by Rich Presence :ivar Optional[Application] application: Application object that's sent by Rich Presence :ivar Optional[MessageReference] message_reference: Data showing the source of a message (crosspost, channel follow, add, pin, or replied message) :ivar Optional[MessageFlags] flags: Message flags :ivar Optional[Message] referenced_message: The message associated with the message_reference. :ivar Optional[MessageInteraction] interaction: Message interaction object, if the message is sent by an interaction. :ivar Optional[Channel] thread: The thread that started from this message, if any, with a thread member object embedded. :ivar Optional[List[ActionRow]] components: Array of Action Rows associated with this message, if any. :ivar Optional[List[PartialSticker]] sticker_items: An array of message sticker item objects, if sent with them. :ivar Optional[List[Sticker]] stickers: Array of sticker objects sent with the message if any. Deprecated. :ivar Optional[int] position: The approximate position of the message in a thread. """ id: Snowflake = field(converter=Snowflake) channel_id: Snowflake = field(converter=Snowflake) guild_id: Optional[Snowflake] = field(converter=Snowflake, default=None) author: User = field(converter=User, add_client=True, default=None) member: Optional[Member] = field(converter=Member, default=None, add_client=True) content: str = field(default=None) timestamp: datetime = field(converter=datetime.fromisoformat, default=None) edited_timestamp: Optional[datetime] = field(converter=datetime.fromisoformat, default=None) tts: bool = field(default=None) mention_everyone: bool = field(default=None) # mentions: array of Users, and maybe partial members mentions: Optional[List[Union[Member, User]]] = field( default=None ) # todo convert to the right types mention_roles: Optional[List[str]] = field(default=None) mention_channels: Optional[List[ChannelMention]] = field( converter=convert_list(ChannelMention), default=None ) attachments: List[Attachment] = field( converter=convert_list(Attachment), default=None, add_client=True ) embeds: List[Embed] = field(converter=convert_list(Embed), default=None) reactions: Optional[List[ReactionObject]] = field( converter=convert_list(ReactionObject), default=None ) nonce: Optional[Union[int, str]] = field(default=None, repr=False) pinned: bool = field(default=None) webhook_id: Optional[Snowflake] = field(converter=Snowflake, default=None) type: MessageType = field(converter=MessageType, default=None) activity: Optional[MessageActivity] = field(converter=MessageActivity, default=None) application: Optional[Application] = field(converter=Application, default=None) application_id: Optional[Snowflake] = field(converter=Snowflake, default=None) message_reference: Optional[MessageReference] = field(converter=MessageReference, default=None) flags: Optional[MessageFlags] = field(converter=MessageFlags, default=None) referenced_message: Optional["Message"] = field(default=None) interaction: Optional[MessageInteraction] = field( converter=MessageInteraction, default=None, add_client=True, repr=False ) thread: Optional[Channel] = field(converter=Channel, default=None, add_client=True) components: Optional[List["ActionRow"]] = field(converter=convert_list(ActionRow), default=None) sticker_items: Optional[List[PartialSticker]] = field( converter=convert_list(PartialSticker), default=None ) stickers: Optional[List[Sticker]] = field( converter=convert_list(Sticker), default=None ) # deprecated position: Optional[int] = field(default=None, repr=False) def __attrs_post_init__(self): if self.member and self.guild_id: self.member._extras["guild_id"] = self.guild_id if and self.member: self.member.user = @property def deletable(self) -> bool: """ .. versionadded:: 4.4.0 Returns if the message can be deleted or not """ return self.type not in self.type.not_deletable() @property def created_at(self) -> datetime: """ .. versionadded:: 4.4.0 Returns when the message was created. """ return if self.referenced_message is not None: self.referenced_message = Message(**self.referenced_message, _client=self._client)
[docs] async def get_channel(self) -> Channel: """ .. versionadded:: 4.0.2 Gets the channel where the message was sent. :rtype: Channel """ if not self._client: raise LibraryException(code=13) res = await self._client.get_channel(channel_id=int(self.channel_id)) return Channel(**res, _client=self._client)
[docs] async def get_guild(self): """ .. versionadded:: 4.0.2 Gets the guild where the message was sent. :rtype: Guild """ if not self._client: raise LibraryException(code=13) from .guild import Guild res = await self._client.get_guild(guild_id=int(self.guild_id)) return Guild(**res, _client=self._client)
[docs] async def delete(self, reason: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 4.0.2 Deletes the message. :param Optional[str] reason: Optional reason to show up in the audit log. Defaults to `None`. """ if not self._client: raise LibraryException(code=13) await self._client.delete_message( message_id=int(, channel_id=int(self.channel_id), reason=reason )
[docs] async def edit( self, content: Optional[str] = MISSING, *, tts: Optional[bool] = MISSING, files: Optional[Union[File, List[File]]] = MISSING, embeds: Optional[Union["Embed", List["Embed"]]] = MISSING, suppress_embeds: Optional[bool] = MISSING, allowed_mentions: Optional[Union[AllowedMentions, dict]] = MISSING, message_reference: Optional[MessageReference] = MISSING, attachments: Optional[List["Attachment"]] = MISSING, components: Optional[ Union[ "ActionRow", "Button", "SelectMenu", List["ActionRow"], List["Button"], List["SelectMenu"], ] ] = MISSING, ) -> "Message": # sourcery skip: low-code-quality """ .. versionadded:: 4.0.2 This method edits a message. Only available for messages sent by the bot. :param Optional[str] content: The contents of the message as a string or string-converted value. :param Optional[bool] tts: Whether the message utilizes the text-to-speech Discord programme or not. :param Optional[Union[File, List[File]]] files: .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 A file or list of files to be attached to the message. :param Optional[Union[Embed, List[Embed]]] embeds: An embed, or list of embeds for the message. :param Optional[bool] suppress_embeds: .. versionadded:: 4.3.0 Whether to suppress embeds in the message. :param Optional[Union[AllowedMentions, dict]] allowed_mentions: The allowed mentions for the message. :param Optional[List[Attachment]] attachments: .. versionadded:: 4.3.0 The attachments to attach to the message. Needs to be uploaded to the CDN first :param Optional[Union[ActionRow, Button, SelectMenu, List[ActionRow], List[Button], List[SelectMenu]]] components: A component, or list of components for the message. If `[]` the components will be removed :return: The edited message as an object. :rtype: Message """ if not self._client: raise LibraryException(code=13) if self.flags == 64: raise LibraryException(message="You cannot edit a hidden message!", code=12) _flags = self.flags if suppress_embeds is not MISSING and suppress_embeds: _flags |= MessageFlags.SUPPRESS_EMBEDS elif suppress_embeds is not MISSING: _flags &= ~MessageFlags.SUPPRESS_EMBEDS from ...client.models.component import _build_components _content: str = self.content if content is MISSING else content _tts: bool = False if tts is MISSING else tts if attachments is MISSING: _attachments = [a._json for a in self.attachments] elif not attachments: _attachments = [] else: _attachments = [a._json for a in attachments] if not files or files is MISSING: _files = [] elif isinstance(files, list): _files = [file._json_payload(id) for id, file in enumerate(files)] else: _files = [files._json_payload(0)] files = [files] _files.extend(_attachments) if embeds is MISSING: embeds = self.embeds _embeds: list = ( ([embed._json for embed in embeds] if isinstance(embeds, list) else [embeds._json]) if embeds else [] ) _allowed_mentions: dict = ( {} if allowed_mentions is MISSING else allowed_mentions._json if isinstance(allowed_mentions, AllowedMentions) else allowed_mentions ) _message_reference: dict = {} if message_reference is MISSING else message_reference._json if not components: _components = [] elif components is MISSING: _components = _build_components(components=self.components) else: _components = _build_components(components=components) payload = dict( content=_content, tts=_tts, attachments=_files, embeds=_embeds, allowed_mentions=_allowed_mentions, message_reference=_message_reference, components=_components, flags=_flags, ) _dct = await self._client.edit_message( channel_id=int(self.channel_id), message_id=int(, payload=payload, files=files, ) self.update(_dct) return self
[docs] async def reply( self, content: Optional[str] = MISSING, *, tts: Optional[bool] = MISSING, embeds: Optional[Union["Embed", List["Embed"]]] = MISSING, files: Optional[Union[File, List[File]]] = MISSING, attachments: Optional[List["Attachment"]] = MISSING, allowed_mentions: Optional[Union[AllowedMentions, dict]] = MISSING, stickers: Optional[List["Sticker"]] = MISSING, components: Optional[ Union[ "ActionRow", "Button", "SelectMenu", List["ActionRow"], List["Button"], List["SelectMenu"], ] ] = MISSING, ) -> "Message": # sourcery skip: dict-assign-update-to-union """ .. versionadded:: 4.0.2 Sends a new message replying to the old. :param Optional[str] content: The contents of the message as a string or string-converted value. :param Optional[bool] tts: Whether the message utilizes the text-to-speech Discord programme or not. :param Optional[List[Attachment]] attachments: .. versionadded:: 4.3.0 The attachments to attach to the message. Needs to be uploaded to the CDN first :param Optional[Union[File, List[File]]] files: .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 A file or list of files to be attached to the message. :param Optional[Union[Embed, List[Embed]]] embeds: An embed, or list of embeds for the message. :param Optional[Union[AllowedMentions, dict]] allowed_mentions: The allowed mentions for the message. :param Optional[Union[ActionRow, Button, SelectMenu, List[ActionRow], List[Button], List[SelectMenu]]] components: A component, or list of components for the message. :param Optional[List[Sticker]] stickers: A list of stickers to send with your message. You can send up to 3 stickers per message. :return: The sent message as an object. :rtype: Message """ if not self._client: raise LibraryException(code=13) from ...client.models.component import _build_components _content: str = "" if content is MISSING else content _tts: bool = False if tts is MISSING else tts # _file = None if file is None else file # _attachments = [] if attachments else None _embeds: list = ( [] if not embeds or embeds is MISSING else ([embed._json for embed in embeds] if isinstance(embeds, list) else [embeds._json]) ) _allowed_mentions: dict = ( {} if allowed_mentions is MISSING else allowed_mentions._json if isinstance(allowed_mentions, AllowedMentions) else allowed_mentions ) _message_reference = MessageReference(message_id=int( _attachments = [] if attachments is MISSING else [a._json for a in attachments] if not components or components is MISSING: _components = [] else: _components = _build_components(components=components) if not files or files is MISSING: _files = [] elif isinstance(files, list): _files = [file._json_payload(id) for id, file in enumerate(files)] else: _files = [files._json_payload(0)] files = [files] _files.extend(_attachments) _sticker_ids: list = ( [] if stickers is MISSING else [str( for sticker in stickers] ) payload = dict( content=_content, tts=_tts, attachments=_files, embeds=_embeds, message_reference=_message_reference, allowed_mentions=_allowed_mentions, components=_components, sticker_ids=_sticker_ids, ) res = await self._client.create_message( channel_id=int(self.channel_id), payload=payload, files=files ) author = {"id": None, "username": None, "discriminator": None} author.update(res["author"]) res["author"] = author return Message(**res, _client=self._client)
[docs] async def pin(self) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 4.0.2 Pins the message to its channel """ if not self._client: raise LibraryException(code=13) await self._client.pin_message(channel_id=int(self.channel_id), message_id=int(
[docs] async def unpin(self) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 4.0.2 Unpins the message from its channel """ if not self._client: raise LibraryException(code=13) await self._client.unpin_message(channel_id=int(self.channel_id), message_id=int(
[docs] async def publish(self) -> "Message": """ .. versionadded:: 4.0.2 Publishes (API calls it crossposts) the message in its channel to any that is followed by. :return: message object :rtype: Message """ if not self._client: raise LibraryException(code=13) res = await self._client.publish_message( channel_id=int(self.channel_id), message_id=int( ) return Message(**res, _client=self._client)
[docs] async def create_thread( self, name: str, auto_archive_duration: Optional[int] = MISSING, invitable: Optional[bool] = MISSING, reason: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Channel: """ .. versionadded:: 4.1.0 Creates a thread from the message. :param str name: The name of the thread :param Optional[int] auto_archive_duration: duration in minutes to automatically archive the thread after recent activity, can be set to: 60, 1440, 4320, 10080 :param Optional[bool] invitable: Boolean to display if the Thread is open to join or private. :param Optional[str] reason: An optional reason for the audit log :return: The created thread :rtype: Channel """ if not self._client: raise LibraryException(code=13) _auto_archive_duration = None if auto_archive_duration is MISSING else auto_archive_duration _invitable = None if invitable is MISSING else invitable res = await self._client.create_thread( channel_id=int(self.channel_id), message_id=int(, name=name, reason=reason, invitable=_invitable, auto_archive_duration=_auto_archive_duration, ) return Channel(**res, _client=self._client)
[docs] async def create_reaction( self, emoji: Union[str, "Emoji"], ) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 Adds a reaction to the message. :param Union[str, Emoji] emoji: The Emoji as object or formatted as `name:id` """ if not self._client: raise LibraryException(code=13) _emoji = ( (f":{':', '')}:{ or ''}" if else if isinstance(emoji, Emoji) else emoji ) return await self._client.create_reaction( channel_id=int(self.channel_id), message_id=int(, emoji=_emoji )
[docs] async def remove_all_reactions(self) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 Removes all reactions of the message. """ if not self._client: raise LibraryException(code=13) return await self._client.remove_all_reactions( channel_id=int(self.channel_id), message_id=int( )
[docs] async def remove_all_reactions_of( self, emoji: Union[str, "Emoji"], ) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 Removes all reactions of one emoji of the message. :param Union[str, Emoji] emoji: The Emoji as object or formatted as `name:id` """ if not self._client: raise LibraryException(code=13) _emoji = ( (f":{':', '')}:{ or ''}" if else if isinstance(emoji, Emoji) else emoji ) return await self._client.remove_all_reactions_of_emoji( channel_id=int(self.channel_id), message_id=int(, emoji=_emoji )
[docs] async def remove_own_reaction_of( self, emoji: Union[str, "Emoji"], ) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 Removes the own reaction of an emoji of the message. :param Union[str, Emoji] emoji: The Emoji as object or formatted as `name:id` """ if not self._client: raise LibraryException(code=13) _emoji = ( (f":{':', '')}:{ or ''}" if else if isinstance(emoji, Emoji) else emoji ) return await self._client.remove_self_reaction( channel_id=int(self.channel_id), message_id=int(, emoji=_emoji )
[docs] async def remove_reaction_from( self, emoji: Union[str, "Emoji"], user: Union[Member, User, int] ) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 Removes another reaction of an emoji of the message. :param Union[str, Emoji] emoji: The Emoji as object or formatted as `name:id` :param Union[Member, user, int] user: The user or user_id to remove the reaction of """ _emoji = ( (f":{':', '')}:{ or ''}" if else if isinstance(emoji, Emoji) else emoji ) if not self._client: raise LibraryException(code=13) _user_id = user if isinstance(user, (int, Snowflake)) else return await self._client.remove_user_reaction( channel_id=int(self.channel_id), message_id=int(, user_id=int(_user_id), emoji=_emoji, )
[docs] async def get_users_from_reaction( self, emoji: Union[str, "Emoji"], ) -> List[User]: """ .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 Retrieves all users that reacted to the message with the given emoji :param Union[str, Emoji] emoji: The Emoji as object or formatted as `name:id` :return: A list of user objects :rtype: List[User] """ if not self._client: raise LibraryException(code=13) _all_users: List[User] = [] _emoji = ( (f":{':', '')}:{ or ''}" if else if isinstance(emoji, Emoji) else emoji ) res: List[dict] = await self._client.get_reactions_of_emoji( channel_id=int(self.channel_id), message_id=int(, emoji=_emoji, limit=100 ) while len(res) == 100: _after = int(res[-1]["id"]) _all_users.extend(User(**_) for _ in res) res: List[dict] = await self._client.get_reactions_of_emoji( channel_id=int(self.channel_id), message_id=int(, emoji=_emoji, limit=100, after=_after, ) _all_users.extend(User(**_) for _ in res) return _all_users
[docs] @classmethod async def get_from_url(cls, url: str, client: "HTTPClient") -> "Message": """ .. versionadded:: 4.1.0 Gets a Message based from its url. :param str url: The full url of the message :param HTTPClient client: The HTTPClient of your bot. Set ``client=bot._http`` :return: The message the URL points to :rtype: Message """ if "channels/" not in url: raise LibraryException(message="You provided an invalid URL!", code=12) _, _channel_id, _message_id = url.split("channels/")[1].split("/") _message = await client.get_message( channel_id=_channel_id, message_id=_message_id, ) return cls(**_message, _client=client)
@property def url(self) -> str: """ .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 Returns the URL of the message. :return: The URL of said message :rtype: str """ guild = self.guild_id or "@me" return f"{guild}/{self.channel_id}/{}"
[docs] async def disable_all_components(self) -> "Message": """ .. versionadded:: 4.3.2 Sets all components to disabled on this message. :return: The modified message. :rtype: Message """ if not self._client: raise LibraryException(code=13) if not self.components: return self for components in self.components: for component in components.components: component.disabled = True return Message( **await self._client.edit_message( int(self.channel_id), int(, payload={"components": [component._json for component in self.components]}, ), _client=self._client, )