Miscellanous Models#

enum interactions.api.models.misc.AutoModKeywordPresetTypes(value)[source]#

New in version 4.3.0.

An enumeration for the different AutoMod keyword preset types.

Member Type:


Valid values are as follows:

PROFANITY = <AutoModKeywordPresetTypes.PROFANITY: 1>#
SEXUAL_CONTENT = <AutoModKeywordPresetTypes.SEXUAL_CONTENT: 2>#
SLURS = <AutoModKeywordPresetTypes.SLURS: 3>#
enum interactions.api.models.misc.AutoModTriggerType(value)[source]#

New in version 4.3.0.

An enumeration for the different AutoMod trigger types.

Member Type:


Valid values are as follows:

KEYWORD = <AutoModTriggerType.KEYWORD: 1>#
SPAM = <AutoModTriggerType.SPAM: 3>#
MENTION_SPAM = <AutoModTriggerType.MENTION_SPAM: 5>#
class interactions.api.models.misc.AutoModMetaData(kwargs_dict=None, /, **other_kwargs)[source]#

New in version 4.3.0.

A class object used to represent the AutoMod Action Metadata.


This is not meant to be instantiated outside the Gateway.


The maximum duration for duration_seconds is 2419200 seconds, aka 4 weeks.

  • channel_id (Optional[Snowflake]) – Channel to which user content should be logged, if set.

  • duration_seconds (Optional[int]) – Timeout duration in seconds, if timed out.

enum interactions.api.models.misc.AutoModActionTypes(value)[source]#

New in version 4.3.0.

An enumeration for the different AutoMod action types.

Member Type:


Valid values are as follows:

TIMEOUT = <AutoModActionTypes.TIMEOUT: 3>#
class interactions.api.models.misc.AutoModAction(kwargs_dict=None, /, **other_kwargs)[source]#

New in version 4.3.0.

A class object used for the AUTO_MODERATION_ACTION_EXECUTION event.


This is not to be confused with the GW event AUTO_MODERATION_ACTION_EXECUTION. This object is not the same as that dispatched object. Moreover, that dispatched object name will be AutoModerationAction


The metadata can be omitted depending on the action type.

class interactions.api.models.misc.AutoModTriggerMetadata(kwargs_dict=None, /, **other_kwargs)[source]#

New in version 4.3.0.

A class object used to represent the trigger metadata from the AutoMod rule object.

  • keyword_filter (Optional[List[str]]) – Words to match against content.

  • regex_patterns (Optional[List[str]]) – Regular expression patterns to match against content.

  • presets (Optional[List[AutoModKeywordPresetTypes]]) – The internally pre-defined wordsets which will be searched for in content.

  • allow_list (Optional[List[str]]) – Substrings which will be exempt from triggering the preset trigger type.

  • mention_total_limit (Optional[int]) – Total number of unique role and user mentions allowed per message (Maximum of 50)

enum interactions.api.models.misc.AllowedMentionType(value)[source]#

New in version 4.3.2.

An enumerable object representing the allowed mention types

Member Type:


Valid values are as follows:

EVERYONE = <AllowedMentionType.EVERYONE: 'everyone'>#
USERS = <AllowedMentionType.USERS: 'users'>#
ROLES = <AllowedMentionType.ROLES: 'roles'>#
class interactions.api.models.misc.AllowedMentions(kwargs_dict=None, /, **other_kwargs)[source]#

New in version 4.3.2.

A class object representing the allowed mentions object

  • parse (Optional[List[AllowedMentionType]]) – An array of allowed mention types to parse from the content.

  • users (Optional[List[int]]) – An array of user ids to mention.

  • roles (Optional[List[int]]) – An array of role ids to mention.

  • replied_user (Optional[bool]) – For replies, whether to mention the author of the message being replied to.

class interactions.api.models.misc.Snowflake(snowflake)[source]#

New in version 4.0.0.


By default every ID in this library is of this class. This makes some information of them easier accessible. If you need the ID as int or str object, for example to store it in a database, just call str(id) or int(id).

Changed in version 4.2.0: Added __eq__. You no longer have to convert this object to compare it to a string or integer

The Snowflake object.

This snowflake object will have features closely related to the API schema. In turn, compared to regular d.py’s treated snowflakes, these will be treated as strings.

(Basically, snowflakes will be treated as if they were from d.py 0.16.12)


You can still provide integers to them, to ensure ease of use of transition and/or if discord API for some odd reason will switch to integer.

property increment: int#

This is the ‘Increment’ portion of the snowflake. This is incremented for every ID generated on that process.


An integer denoting the increment.

property worker_id: int#

This is the Internal Worker ID of the snowflake.


An integer denoting the internal worker ID.

property process_id: int#

This is the Internal Process ID of the snowflake.


An integer denoting the internal process ID.

property epoch: float#

This is the Timestamp field of the snowflake.


A float containing the seconds since Discord Epoch.

property timestamp: datetime#

The Datetime object variation of the Timestamp field of the snowflake.


The converted Datetime object from the Epoch. This respects UTC.

enum interactions.api.models.misc.Color(value)[source]#

New in version 4.2.0.

Changed in version 4.4.0: Color class is now an Enum

An object representing Discord branding colors.


This object only intends to cover the branding colors and no others. The main reason behind this is due to the current accepted standard of using hex codes or other custom-defined colors.

Member Type:


Valid values are as follows:

BLURPLE = <Color.BLURPLE: 5793266>#
GREEN = <Color.GREEN: 5763719>#
YELLOW = <Color.YELLOW: 16705372>#
FUCHSIA = <Color.FUCHSIA: 15418782>#
RED = <Color.RED: 15548997>#
WHITE = <Color.WHITE: 16777215>#
BLACK = <Color.BLACK: 0>#
class interactions.api.models.misc.ClientStatus(kwargs_dict=None, /, **other_kwargs)[source]#

An object that symbolizes the status per client device per session.

  • desktop (Optional[str]) – User’s status set for an active desktop application session

  • mobile (Optional[str]) – User’s status set for an active mobile application session

  • web (Optional[str]) – User’s status set for an active web application session

class interactions.api.models.misc.IDMixin[source]#

New in version 4.3.0.

A mixin to implement equality and hashing for models that have an id.

class interactions.api.models.misc.Image(file, fp=<interactions.MISSING>)[source]#

New in version 4.2.0.

This class object allows you to upload Images to the Discord API.

If a fp is not given, this will try to open & send a local file at the location specified in the ‘file’ parameter.

property filename: str#

Returns the name of the file.

class interactions.api.models.misc.File(filename, fp=<interactions.MISSING>, description=<interactions.MISSING>)[source]#

New in version 4.2.0.

A File object to be sent as an attachment along with a message.

If a fp is not given, this will try to open & send a local file at the location specified in the ‘filename’ parameter.


If a description is not given the file’s basename is used instead.

class interactions.api.models.misc.Overwrite(kwargs_dict=None, /, **other_kwargs)[source]#

This is used for the PermissionOverride object.

  • id (str) – Role or User ID

  • type (int) – Type that corresponds ot the ID; 0 for role and 1 for member.

  • allow (Union[Permissions, int, str]) – Permission bit set.

  • deny (Union[Permissions, int, str]) – Permission bit set.