Source code for interactions.api.models.emoji

from datetime import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Union

from ...utils.attrs_utils import ClientSerializerMixin, convert_list, define, field
from ...utils.missing import MISSING
from ..error import LibraryException
from .misc import Snowflake
from .role import Role
from .user import User

    from ..http import HTTPClient
    from .guild import Guild

__all__ = ("Emoji",)

[docs]@define() class Emoji(ClientSerializerMixin): """ A class objecting representing an emoji. :ivar Optional[Snowflake] id: Emoji id :ivar Optional[str] name: Emoji name. :ivar Optional[List[int]] roles: Roles allowed to use this emoji :ivar Optional[User] user: User that created this emoji :ivar Optional[bool] require_colons: Status denoting of this emoji must be wrapped in colons :ivar Optional[bool] managed: Status denoting if this emoji is managed (by an integration) :ivar Optional[bool] animated: Status denoting if this emoji is animated :ivar Optional[bool] available: Status denoting if this emoji can be used. (Can be false via server boosting) """ id: Optional[Snowflake] = field(converter=Snowflake, default=None) name: Optional[str] = field(default=None) roles: Optional[List[int]] = field(converter=convert_list(int), default=None) user: Optional[User] = field(converter=User, default=None) require_colons: Optional[bool] = field(default=None) managed: Optional[bool] = field(default=None) animated: Optional[bool] = field(default=None) available: Optional[bool] = field(default=None) @property def format(self) -> str: """ .. versionadded:: 4.4.0 Formats the emoji into a send-able form. :rtype: str """ return ( f"<{'a' if self.animated else ''}:{}:{}>" if is not None else f":{}:" if self.require_colons else ) @property def created_at(self) -> datetime: """ .. versionadded:: 4.4.0 Returns when the emoji was created. """ return
[docs] @classmethod async def get( cls, guild_id: Union[int, Snowflake, "Guild"], emoji_id: Union[int, Snowflake], client: "HTTPClient", ) -> "Emoji": """ .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 Gets an emoji. :param Union[int, Snowflake, Guild] guild_id: The id of the guild of the emoji :param Union[int, Snowflake] emoji_id: The id of the emoji :param HTTPClient client: The HTTPClient of your bot. Equals to ``bot._http`` :return: The Emoji as object :rtype: Emoji """ _guild_id = int(guild_id) if isinstance(guild_id, (int, Snowflake)) else int( res = await client.get_guild_emoji(guild_id=_guild_id, emoji_id=int(emoji_id)) return cls(**res, _client=client)
[docs] @classmethod async def get_all_of_guild( cls, guild_id: Union[int, Snowflake, "Guild"], client: "HTTPClient", ) -> List["Emoji"]: """ .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 Gets all emoji of a guild. :param Union[int, Snowflake, Guild] guild_id: The id of the guild to get the emojis of :param HTTPClient client: The HTTPClient of your bot. Equals to ``bot._http`` :return: The Emoji as list :rtype: List[Emoji] """ _guild_id = int(guild_id) if isinstance(guild_id, (int, Snowflake)) else int( res = await client.get_all_emoji(guild_id=_guild_id) return [cls(**emoji, _client=client) for emoji in res]
[docs] async def modify( self, guild_id: Union[int, Snowflake, "Guild"], name: Optional[str] = MISSING, roles: Optional[Union[List[Role], List[int]]] = MISSING, reason: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "Emoji": """ .. versionadded:: 4.4.0 Edits the Emoji in a guild. :param int guild_id: The id of the guild to edit the emoji on :param Optional[str] name: The name of the emoji. If not specified, the filename will be used :param Optional[Union[List[Role], List[int]]] roles: Roles allowed to use this emoji :param Optional[str] reason: The reason of the modification :return: The modified emoji object :rtype: Emoji """ if not self._client: raise LibraryException(code=13) payload: dict = {} if name is not MISSING: payload["name"] = name if roles is not MISSING: payload["roles"] = [int( if isinstance(role, Role) else role) for role in roles] _guild_id = int(guild_id) if isinstance(guild_id, (int, Snowflake)) else int( res = await self._client.modify_guild_emoji( guild_id=_guild_id, emoji_id=int(, payload=payload, reason=reason ) self.update(res) return self
[docs] async def delete( self, guild_id: Union[int, Snowflake, "Guild"], reason: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 Deletes the emoji. :param Union[int, Snowflake, Guild] guild_id: The guild id to delete the emoji from :param Optional[str] reason: The reason for the deletion """ if not self._client: raise LibraryException(code=13) _guild_id = int(guild_id) if isinstance(guild_id, (int, Snowflake)) else int( return await self._client.delete_guild_emoji( guild_id=_guild_id, emoji_id=int(, reason=reason )
@property def url(self) -> str: """ .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 Returns the emoji's URL. :return: URL of the emoji :rtype: str """ url = f"{}" url += ".gif" if self.animated else ".png" return url