Source code for interactions.api.http.route

from typing import ClassVar, Optional

__all__ = ("Route",)

[docs]class Route: """ A class representing how an HTTP route is structured. :ivar ClassVar[str] __api__: The HTTP route path. :ivar str method: The HTTP method. :ivar str path: The URL path. :ivar Optional[str] channel_id: The channel ID from the bucket if given. :ivar Optional[str] guild_id: The guild ID from the bucket if given. """ __slots__ = ("method", "path", "channel_id", "guild_id") __api__: ClassVar[str] = "" method: str path: str channel_id: Optional[str] guild_id: Optional[str] def __init__(self, method: str, path: str, **kwargs) -> None: r""" :param method: The HTTP request method. :type method: str :param path: The path of the HTTP/URL. :type path: str :param \**kwargs?: Optional keyword-only arguments to pass as information in the route. :type \**kwargs?: dict """ self.method = method self.path = path.format(**kwargs) self.channel_id = kwargs.get("channel_id") self.guild_id = kwargs.get("guild_id")
[docs] def get_bucket(self, shared_bucket: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ Returns the route's bucket. If shared_bucket is None, returns the path with major parameters. Otherwise, it relies on Discord's given bucket. :param shared_bucket: The bucket that Discord provides, if available. :type shared_bucket: Optional[str] :return: The route bucket. :rtype: str """ return ( f"{self.channel_id}:{self.guild_id}:{self.path}" if shared_bucket is None else f"{self.channel_id}:{self.guild_id}:{shared_bucket}" )
@property def endpoint(self) -> str: """ Returns the route's endpoint. :return: The route endpoint. :rtype: str """ return f"{self.method}:{self.path}"