
discord_slash.utils.manage_components module

discord_slash.utils.manage_components.create_actionrow(*components: dict) dict

Creates an ActionRow for message components.


components – Components to go within the ActionRow.



discord_slash.utils.manage_components.spread_to_rows(*components, max_in_row=5) List[dict]

A helper function that spreads your components into actionrows of a set size

  • components (dict) – Components dicts (buttons or selects or existing actionrows) to spread. Use None to explicitly start a new row.

  • max_in_row (int) – Maximum number of elements in each row.




An action_row can only have a maximum of 5 items in it

discord_slash.utils.manage_components.emoji_to_dict(emoji: Union[discord.emoji.Emoji, discord.partial_emoji.PartialEmoji, str]) dict

Converts a default or custom emoji into a partial emoji dict.


emoji (Union[discord.Emoji, discord.PartialEmoji, str]) – The emoji to convert.

discord_slash.utils.manage_components.create_button(style: Union[discord_slash.model.ButtonStyle, int], label: Optional[str] = None, emoji: Optional[Union[discord.emoji.Emoji, discord.partial_emoji.PartialEmoji, str]] = None, custom_id: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, disabled: bool = False) dict

Creates a button component for use with the components field. Must be used within an actionRow to be used (see create_actionrow()).


At least a label or emoji is required for a button. You can have both, but not neither of them.

  • style (Union[ButtonStyle, int]) – Style of the button. Refer to ButtonStyle.

  • label (Optional[str]) – The label of the button.

  • emoji (Union[discord.Emoji, discord.PartialEmoji, dict]) – The emoji of the button.

  • custom_id (Optional[str]) – The custom_id of the button. Needed for non-link buttons.

  • url (Optional[str]) – The URL of the button. Needed for link buttons.

  • disabled (bool) – Whether the button is disabled or not. Defaults to False.



discord_slash.utils.manage_components.create_select_option(label: str, value: str, emoji=None, description: Optional[str] = None, default: bool = False)

Creates an option for select components.

  • label – The user-facing name of the option that will be displayed in discord client.

  • value – The value that the bot will receive when this option is selected.

  • emoji – The emoji of the option.

  • description – An additional description of the option.

  • default – Whether or not this is the default option.

discord_slash.utils.manage_components.create_select(options: List[dict], custom_id: Optional[str] = None, placeholder: Optional[str] = None, min_values: Optional[int] = None, max_values: Optional[int] = None, disabled: bool = False)

Creates a select (dropdown) component for use with the components field. Must be inside an ActionRow to be used (see create_actionrow()).

  • options – The choices the user can pick from

  • custom_id – A custom identifier, like buttons

  • placeholder – Custom placeholder text if nothing is selected

  • min_values – The minimum number of items that must be chosen

  • max_values – The maximum number of items that can be chosen

  • disabled – Disables this component. Defaults to False.

discord_slash.utils.manage_components.get_components_ids(component: Union[str, dict, list]) Iterator[str]

Returns generator with the custom_id of a component or list of components.


component – Custom ID or component dict (actionrow or button) or list of the two.



discord_slash.utils.manage_components.get_messages_ids(message: Union[int, discord.message.Message, list]) Iterator[int]

Returns generator with the id of message or list messages.


message – message ID or message object or list of previous two.



async discord_slash.utils.manage_components.wait_for_component(client: discord.client.Client, messages: Optional[Union[int, discord.message.Message, list]] = None, components: Optional[Union[str, dict, list]] = None, check=None, timeout=None) discord_slash.context.ComponentContext

Helper function - wrapper around ‘client.wait_for(“component”, …)’

Waits for a component interaction. Only accepts interactions based on the custom ID of the component or/and message ID, and optionally a check function.

  • client (discord.Client) – The client/bot object.

  • messages (Union[discord.Message, int, list]) – The message object to check for, or the message ID or list of previous two.

  • components (Union[str, dict, list]) – Custom ID to check for, or component dict (actionrow or button) or list of previous two.

  • check – Optional check function. Must take a ComponentContext as the first parameter.

  • timeout – The number of seconds to wait before timing out and raising asyncio.TimeoutError.

